kyma•tweaky . User . O040401CarlaScaletti

Fellowships and Assistantships for graduate study

Deadline: 01 Apr 2004
Employer: JamesPaulSain?
Contact: Dr. James Paul Sain University of Florida School of Music P.O. Box 117900/130 Music Bldg. Gainesville, FL 32611-7900
Gainesville -- USA

Job Description:
Full tuition waiver plus stipend for graduate study in electroacoustic music at the University of Florida beginning in the fall semester 2004.

To apply:

Additional information (Any details or additional information that might help prospective applicants for this job):

Known for the Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, the school's facilities include: 24-bit ProTools, octophonic monitoring, Symbolic Sound Kyma, and high-end Apple computers with Max/Msp, SuperCollider, Digital Performer, jMax, and Csound, etc. There is also a dedicated 12 channel + sub octophonic & diffusion performance system. More information and applications instructions can be found at: or by contacting Dr. James Paul Sain at

----- Revision r1.2 - 08 Apr 2004 - 17:15 GMT - JeanLewis
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