kyma•tweaky . User . OpportunitiesBoard |
Deadline | Type | Who | What | City |
01 Jul 2004 | Education | GerardPape | Study Kyma in Paris | Alfortville (Paris) |
01 Apr 2004 | Conference | JamesPaulSain? | Fellowships and Assistantships for graduate study | Gainesville |
19 Mar 2004 | Education | MarkPhillips | Graduate Assistantship | Athens, OH |
27 Feb 2004 | Conference | University of Miami | International Computer Music Conference | Miami |
31 Jan 2004 | Conference | Shizuoka University of Art and Culture | International Conference on NEW INTERFACES FOR MUSICAL EXPRESSION | Hamamatsu |
31 Dec 2003 | Education | University of Oregon | Master of Music in Intermedia Music Technology | Eugene |
31 Dec 20O03 | Education | University of Oregon | Master of Music in Intermedia Music Technology | Eugene |
----- Revision r1.3 - 05 Dec 2003 - 17:00 GMT - CarlaScaletti