UnauthorizedBiography: I've been doing visual work and writing since the early '70s. My visual work started out in a highly geometric "op" style and then after a lot of meandering and experimenting evolved into an art of minimal assemblage using found material (mostly industrial scraps). My writing started mostly as a series of notes that I've arranged and rearranged several times without satisfying results but the production of 'notes' is still my normal literary method. The visual and literary aspects of my work overlap in a series of collages and works derived from book pages. The major output of this has been two long experimental texts. One is basically a reduction of a not very good novel by eliminating most of the words. The other was made by taking words and short passages from Lord Jim and Vanity Fair and arranging them into different variations. I have done no art works using sound but have wanted to get that element into my work for a long time. Since my visual work consists of taking found objects and arranging them and my literary work consists of taking words and arranging them, I assume that my 'music' work will consist in taking sounds and arranging them. By this I do not mean some form of music concrete but synthesized and manipulated sounds or sounds created from non sonic data structures etc.
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