Kyma Immersion Weekends
Picture yourself surrounded by people who are obsessed with
sound and computers, immersed in the study of sound for one concentrated,
uninterrupted weekend.
A Symbolic Sound Kyma Immersion Weekend is an intense,
concentrated environment for learning more about computer-generated
and processed sound and the Kyma sound design environment, making
contacts with colleagues, and interacting with the Kyma development
Mornings are usually spent in lecture/demonstrations on sound
design and Kyma...

Lively discussions with colleagues continue through lunch and
dinner breaks at intriguing local restaurants and coffee houses,
all within walking distance of Symbolic Sound and the hotel.

Participants continue working well into the evening, engrossed
in Kyma projects at their own workstations or gathering to share
their results...

...before unwinding at the hotel together, engaging in yet
more discussion and interaction with professional colleagues from
different disciplines, different backgrounds and different nationalities,
all sharing the same intense interest in sound and computers.

By the end of the weekend, everyone shares a sleep deficit,
a headful of new ideas that they can hardly wait to get started
on back home, and a list of email addresses of new-found friends
and colleagues...

Images from the 1999 Kyma Immersion
Thanks to all who have attended Kyma immersion weekends at
Symbolic Sound! Because of your ideas and interaction, Kyma becomes
a little bit better following each workshop.
- Dragana Barac-Cikoja (US) speech researcher at NIH,
- Antonio Barata (US) composer, professor
- Brian Belet (US) composer, professor
- Randy Bobo (US) sound designer, composer, audio engineer
- Francois Blaignan (US) sound designer in Hollywood
- Joel Chadabe (US) composer, performer, author, professor
- Chris Czopnik (CA) sound designer at Casa Blanca in
- Roberto D'Autilia (IT) physicist, composer, webmaster
- Agostino DiScipio (IT) composer, professor
- Karlheinz Essl (AT) composer, professor
- Anthony Fedele (US) sound designer, musician
- Marjorie Franklin (US) visual artist, professor
- Russell Frehling (US) installation artist, composer
- Larry Fritts (US) composer, professor
- Eugenio Giordani (IT) composer, software/hardware
- Marcus Hobbs (US) Disney animator, composer
- Greg Hunter (UK) composer, engineer, producer
- Pete Johnston (UK) technical manager of The Tape Gallery,
- JP Jones (UK) composer, performer, producer
- Topher Lafata (US) performer, composer
- Chip Leh (US) performer, alternative controllers researcher
- Bruno Liberda (AT) composer, professor
- Matthew Lindahl (US) composer, visual artist
- Dennis Miller (US) composer, writer, professor, multimedia
- Nadine Miner (US) researcher, electrical engineer
- David Mooney (US) composer, visual artist
- Howard Moscovitz (US) composer, engineer
- Mark Phillips (US) composer, professor
- John Platt (CA) researcher, professor of psychoacoustics
- Andrew Purdy (DE) composer, computer scientist
- Mike Radentz (US) sound designer at Technisonic Studios
in St. Louis
- Marc Schaefgen (US) sound designer, game developer
- Bill Sequeira (US) composer, computer scientist
- Ben Sims (US) composer, performer
- Jeff Stolet (US) composer, professor
- Fred Szymanski (US) composer, sound designer
- Laura Tedeschini-Lalli (IT) mathematician, researcher,
- Hal Wagner (US) sound designer
- Matt Wood (US) sound designer, programmer
The next Kyma Immersion Weekends are tentatively scheduled
for Spring of 2000, so if this sounds like something
that would be of interest to you, please contact Symbolic Sound:
1-800-972-1789 (North America)
+1-217-355-6273 (from everywhere else in the world)
+1-217-355-6562 (FAX)