symbolic sound corporation — makers of kyma || view the current website || February 2015 Archive
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You don't just get total control over audio, you get a brain-expanding education in how to think about sound.
Kyma specialises in exactly the kinds of sounds that designers live to work on--exotic, strange, unusual, and creative. The morphing possibilities alone are worth the asking price.
Kyma remains the most mature, robust, and powerful sound-design workstation anywhere. For its price—about the same as a fully loaded hardware sampler—it's an unbelievable deal.
This hardware-meets-software audio construction kit is, quite simply, the Holy Grail of sound design.
When you have a product that EM editors already billed as “the most powerful sound-design workstation on the planet,” what do you do for an encore? Symbolic Sound, maker of the Kyma System, faced that challenge. With the recent release of Kyma 5.11, Symbolic Sound found a way to make the system more powerful, easier to use, and less expensive.
Kyma 5.0 is an exceptional piece of software… With each version, the people at Symbolic Sound have made the impressive power of the Capybara easier to use. Kyma 5.0 is not an incremental improvement in this area… it is a genuine breakthrough… Kudos to Symbolic Sound. You have truly outdone yourselves. ATPM Rating = EXCELLENT
...the most powerful and flexible sound design and performance environment on the market today.
It's not often that a single product totally dominates its class, but in the case of the Kyma sound-design workstation from Symbolic Sound Corporation, nothing else even comes close.
Kyma is one of the most powerful systems with which I have worked, and continues to amaze me as I discover new features and options.
KEYS January 1997: "Modularer Cyberspace: Portrat Symbolic Sound Kyma 4.1" by Thomas Alker
Audio Media June 1996: "Kyma Sound Design Workstation" by Mike Steer
A synthesizer, sampler, digital sound processor, digital recorder/controller, sound analysis tool, and a re-synthesizer all in one box? Kyma, from Symbolic Sound, can be any or all of these.
A few minutes with a Kyma system, and you'll be certain that the future has arrived.