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CapyTalk Expressions

See the CapyTalkExpressions section for information on new CapyTalk expressions and usage tips.

Prototype Reference Guide

Last updated March 04 (if there is a newer guide, please replace).

Wiimote/OSCulator Documentation

See Wiimote->OSCulator->Kyma Tutorial

TAU Documentation

If you are logged in, go to the Kyma X.3 Additional Files - 14 February 2006 section and Download the Tau Sounds ZIP Archive. It contains PDF documentation on the TAU editor along with the extra samples, TAU and PSI files required for the examples in the Sound Library.

Wacom Tablet Documentation

See How to use the Wacom tablet in Kyma

Corrections, Omissions, and Clarifications

Page 254: Puzzle solutions

At the top of the second column (just before the heading Harmonics puzzle from page 251), change

'rustDrum129p5.aif' sampleDuration s / 4


'rustDrum129p5.aif' sampleFileDuration s / 4
-- CarlaScaletti - 27 Jul 2004

Page 316: View

Near the bottom of the second column, change

<aRectangle> displayDisplayStrokedOn: <aGraphicsContext>


<aRectangle> displayStrokedOn: <aGraphicsContext>
-- KevinCole - 13 Sep 2006

Page 263: Storing a value in an EventVariable

Near the bottom of the first column, change:

To assign the value of an EventExpression to a variable and also leave it on the stack, use an expression of the form

anEventVariable <~ anEventExpression

To assign it to a variable and leave it at the top of the stack use

anEventVariable <+ anEventExpression


To assign the value of an EventExpression to a variable and also leave it on the stack, use an expression of the form

anEventVariable <~ anEventExpression

To assign it to a variable and remove it from the stack use

anEventVariable <+ anEventExpression
-- KurtHebel - 10 May 2009

In the Smalltalk Quick Reference, under "Messages sent to Dates"

monthIndex Answer the month in which the receiver falls.

-- KevinCole - 07 Jun 2005

Page 34: What do the yellow triangles mean?

In the Yellow Box: There is a section on "What do the yellow triangles mean" but I am still confused on the following points: - how do I (or can I) save a single sound that has a yellow triangle? If I have several unrelated yellow triangled sounds in the sound browser, when I refresh the browser it seems I have to save all or none. - If I save a sound file that a yellow-triangled sound is in, when I refresh the sound browser, I'm still asked to save or discard the changes. I'm not sure what I have and haven't saved at that point.

-- SimonAmarasingham - 09 Jan 2004

Individual Sounds are grouped into Sound files and saved on disk. When you make a change to a Sound, the Browser shows a yellow triangle next to it to indicate that it is changed in RAM but that the changes haven't been saved to the disk yet. There is no way to save just that one Sound to the disk; you have to save the entire Sound file. In the Browser, this would be all the Sounds in the indented list below the Sound File name. -- CarlaScaletti - 09 Jan 2004

Right - I got that much, however say I'm editing 2 Sound Files, called 'em (imaginatively) A and B. Both A and B have yellow traingles next to them and I want to keep changes to A but discard those for B. With the focus on the window for A, I ctrl-S to save, but in the browser the yellow traingles still exist for both. If I go to refresh the browser it asks me whether I want to save or discard changes. I think I've already saved A, but being a newbie, I'm nervous about it. This happend to me as I was working through the tutorials and editing both my own Sound File (A) and one from Kyma's "factory presets" (B).

-- SimonAmarasingham - 11 Jan 2004

Use one Sound as an input to another

(PDF Page 45): Invites me to "use one sound as an input to another" which I was dying to do, but I had no idea how to. (At this point I haven't read the Timeline stuff - I skipped to Part 2 from page 45, so I could find out about making sounds.)

-- SimonAmarasingham - 09 Jan 2004

Which page was this? Do you think a forward reference would be helpful there?

-- CarlaScaletti - 09 Jan 2004

Sure - you could forward reference to "Inserting a Sound into the Signal Flow Path" on page 101

-- SimonAmarasingham - 11 Jan 2004


(PDF Page 99): Effects_doppler_shift is different on disk compared with the description and screen shots in the manual

-- SimonAmarasingham - 09 Jan 2004

Dropping a Sound onto the line between two other Sounds

(PDF Page 102): When I was building a sound from scratch, and I dropped TwoFormantElement? between Noise(white) and the speaker (as instructed) I ended up with something completely different than the screen shot. I later realized that my problem was that I should not be dropping the TwoFormantElement? on the plus sign, but on the line between the plus sign and Noise(white). Since it doesn't work to drop it just anywhere between Noise(white) and the speaker (nothing happens), the plus sign (a) seemed to be the thing that wanted to have things dropped on it and (b) the only thing I could find - at least at first - that would work. Of my notes so far, I would rate this particular thing as the highest priority to clarify.

-- SimonAmarasingham - 09 Jan 2004

Other additions and changes

Please read the the What's New lists for a full update on things that have changed since the publication of the book.

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