kyma•tweaky . How .
How do I...
Before submitting a new question to the How Knowledge Base, please look through this list (or use the
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) first to see if a solution already exists.
How do I add part of an oscillator to another oscillator?
is it possible to clone a percussion instrument using spectral analysis?
How does hysteresis actually work when drawing a box using the threshold transformation in timeline's parameter control window?
How do I stop the DSP from within the patch
How do I sync the the BPM of the Kyma Timeline to an external source of MIDI Timing Clock?
How do I measure the complexity of a MIDI-input regarding the number/quantity of MIDI-notes played in a certain amount of time?
How do I sync Kyma BPM to Midi Sequencer's tempo map?
Is there a way of loading a movie into Kyma so that I can track-lay underneath?
[[CreateCustomUIGraphic][I'm a UI/Animtor and designer.
How do I create pretty User Interface graphics for Kyma?]]
What do the coefficients mean in the FIR and WaveShaper Sounds?
Create pitch sequences using smalltalk scripts
How do I loop when the frequency changes?
How do I make the transition from the Capybara to the Pacarana?
How do I send LTC or MTC out from the Capybara?
How do I do convolution in Kyma?
How do I create a radio button or checkbox group as a method of selecting between conditional blocks of code so if one of the buttons is selected the others are automatically deselected?
How do I connect touchOSC to OSCulator and Kyma?
Can I change a default setting so that there is a distinct color contrast between fields that accept a "hot" parameter and those that do not?
How do I correlate a MemoryWriter's duration with a Timeline BPM?
How do I pass or process audio conditionally?
How do I send a MIDI program change from within Kyma to an external device?
How can I pre-zero the sample RAM so I don't hear recordings left over from a previous recording?
How do I create a nice long reverb tail on a sound in the timeline?
How do I control the Randomize parameter on VCS through MIDI
Choose a digital audio interface for working with Kyma?
How do I flip amplitudes of the spectrum?
How do I create sound based off an image file's data?
How can I send a Master Control or overall output volume control to Kyma from an external MIDI source?
How do I create a wind simulator?
Is it possible to batch create SPC or Tau files in Kyma? Would be nice to set it out on some auto exploration...
how can i reset the countTriggers: and the countTriggersMod: expressions?
How can I schedule VCS preset changes to be synchronized with the flow of the Timeline?
How many FFT bands correspond to the different frequency radio boxes in the frequency analysis window? Also, what is the maximum amount of bands you can get Kyma to analyze/resysthesize in realtime.
How to create a EMU "z-plane" filter?
How do I randomly select from a collection of values from which
values are excluded?
How could I send MIDI controls over the Internet to control my friend's Capybara?
How do I step through the values of an array consecutively, one on each !KeyDown?
How do I recover from error 22?
How can I share a MotorMix with Kyma and another application?
In a speech signal, how can you separate the voiced from unvoiced parts (or vowels and consonants)
How can I upsample a control rate signal to to full DSP sample rate?
How can I use Kyma without having a Capybara connected?
How would I make an arpeggiator in Kyma?
How can I loop a spectra properly?
I was wondering whether anyone could offer me some advice as to which Kyma sounds/methods are best suited to the exploration of microsounds and digital failiure (glitches). I realise that almost any sound can be 'mashed up' but I would really appreciate any tips from more experienced Kyma users working within a similar area. I'm currently exploring the Sound Library and any pointers would be useful!
How do I build an Infinite sustain Box?
How can I ensure that two different random number streams in the same
expression are uncorrelated with each other?
Implementing Karplus-Strong algorithm
How do I synthesize a filter to simulate the way we hear when our ears are submerged and sound is coming from outside the water
How do you control a tool with MIDI?
How can I retrigger a sample beyond 1500 gates per minute?
How do I sync a loop in Kyma using MIDI Timing Clock and Bar Marker
Is there any documentation for the Prototypes in PDF form?
How do I create a 72-step equal tempered microtonal tuning scale?
How do I use a Wacom tablet with Kyma?
How can I create a portamento-like effect when changing presets or when the dice is rolled?
How do I "cancel" mic recorded wind noise?
How do I reshape a waveform based on variable imput?
How do I set the quasi-harmonic spectral analysis so that I do not get an error?
How do I report the number of midi notes currently playing?
How do I convert a tuning table into a zero to 1 value?
How can I use the Max Flame external on OS-X?
How do I gate sequential Sounds from the same key on the Keyboard?
How do I paste a prototype without dragging along it´s inputs?
How can I record Midi events into a midi file only using Kyma?
How can i avoid clicks when re-triggering a sound which is still in it´s release phase ?
How do I create Random start points in Sample?
create a SyncGrainsFader ?
How can I "id-tag" an instrument created in a Script?
How can I trigger nested sequences via gate?
How can I save MemoryWriter recordings in the presets when I use live and capture sounds?
How do I change VCS presets with Max's pgmout object?
How can I exclude a widget from a preset?
How do I display the value of a variable?
How can I (or can I) analyze live using a formant bank?
How can I convert an analysis file into a musical score?
How do I get the length of a sample at run time?
How do I handle MIDI NRPN messages?
How can I adjust the phase of an Oscillator for use as a dynamic LFO?
How can I modify the
Surroundify a stereo input
prototype to be closer to a Dolby Decoder?
How can I populate the pitches or ExtraValues field of an Analog Sequencer taken from a MIDI file?
How can Keystrokes be detected in SmallTalk?
How do I make the MultisegmentEnvelope loop?
What is the best way to get a smooth single resynth track?
What is RE Analysis exactly?
How can I control two or more tracks with the same MIDI note event stream (on the same channel?)
How do I connect more than one computer to a single Capybara using the FireWire interface?
How can I convert X-Y touch pad controllers to radius-angle controllers?
How do I use the Doepfer Pocket Dial to control Kyma?
How do I create a global map for the Doepfer Pocket Dial?
How do I connect unbalanced audio equipment to the balanced inputs and outputs of the Capybara?
If I use a green question mark variable in a Sound, how can I make it ask me for a value each time I play the Sound?
How can I scale a SoundToGlobalController?
Which spectral source modules output linear format and which ones output log format?
How do I use KeyPitch as index?
How do I erase or delete the Kyma Preferences?
How do I list variables in a compound Sound?
How do I recreate a herd of animals?
How can I step through VCS presets or roll the dice using a MIDI footswitch?
How do I increase or decrease the size of the Sound icons in Kyma X?
How do I copy a VCS from one timeline to another, and how can I control the order of VCS layouts?
How can I set the MemoryWriter's capture duration to !KeyDown?
How do I automatically find zero crossings and build separate wavetables from the cycles?
How do I create algorithmic compositions in Kyma?
How do I configure the PitchTracker for the best results with voice input?
How do I modify the mouse to event tool to pay attention to the mouse button and the mouse location?
How do I make random numbers be really random?
How do I reverse an envelope using a simple toggle?
How do I control two parameters with same LFO?
How do I synthesize thunder?
How do I make a control change value at the next key down?
How can I record live audio input to the disk?
Revision r1.4 - 28 Oct 2003 - 23:07 GMT -
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