conditionalprocessing.kym: by CarlaScaletti - 28 Oct 2009: Process the input conditionally, depending on amplitude of the input, pitch of the input, and/or the interval of time since the input exceeded a threshold or has sustained a pitch
KeystoControllers.kym by CarlaScaletti: Translate key events into continuous controllers so you can record keyboard or Continuum performances in the Kyma Timeline. (Ignore the warning that the Timeline gives about a conflicting MIDI voice when you drag this Sound into a Timeline).
FourWacomsInOne.kym: by PhilCurtis: Quadruple your pen! Gives you a complete set of pen controls in each of the four corners of your tablet. Includes versions with some extra features. Discussion
randomlyselectplayentiresample.kym by CarlaScaletti - 06 Jul 2007: Randomly selects & plays all the way through a sample before the next sample is randomly selected (in other words, the entire sample is always played to the end, never interrupted by the next selection). Discuss
CristiansCamArpeggiate.kym: -- CristianVogel - 08 Mar 2010 : from the discussion over at forum , an arppegiator design with arp mode switch, also some more gate hold logic.
nonreattackingsequencer.kym: CarlaScaletti - 02 May 2009: Simple example of a sequencer that reattacks ONLY when that stage is switched on (but which remains on and slides to new pitch even when the stage is switched off)
spectrumampfreqfader.kym: by CarlaScaletti- 06 Aug 2008 Faders to adjust frequencies, switches to turn on/off partials, BPM controlled random changes Discussion?
XenWaves.kym by CarlaScaletti - 27 Apr 2009: 'Draw' waveforms, snapshot them as presets, then use an InterpolatePresets to sequence smoothly through your waveforms.
twistedmultiwaveoscillatorbank.kym: by CarlaScaletti - 27 Mar 2009: Here's a nice twisted way of getting a bank of non aliasing sawtooth oscillators by writing into the OscillatorBank wavetable behind its back.